The blood application fits the crime

This observation (not my own) shows how differences in various korbanos' blood services are reflective of the specific korban's expiatory purpose

 There are four chata'os delineated in vayikrah 4: the "inside" parim of the kohen mashiach and he'elem davar shel tzibur which are brought for erroneous hora'ah with the caveat that the mistaken hora'ah be acted upon (by said kohen mashiach and rov yisrael, respectively), and the "outside" sair of the nasi & seirah/civsa of the layperson which are generated by mistakes in action but do not involve wrongly rendered hora'ah.

The former two have their blood service performed in the ohel whereas the latter two are executed in the chatzer.

Moshe entered the ohel to receive hora'ah.

I've seen it explained that as the parim are for wrongly decided hora'ah—which is received inside the ohel—their blood avodah is correspondingly located there as well, as it comes to atone for "inside" sins. As opposed to the other two—which are for mistakes in action, which relate to the "outside" world of action, hence their respective avodah is correspondingly performed outside the ohel on the mizbeiach ha'olah.

I think it rings true.

I would only add the following small addition.

It's written that the voice that Moshe heard would descend from heaven onto the top of the middle of the keruvim and from there it would emanate out to the kodesh where Moshe would hear it. 

The blood of the parim was sprinkled toward the the middle of the badim ie midway between the keruvim and then onto the mizbeiach haketores with the rest being poured out onto the outside mizbeiach.

I think it perfectly mimics the sin they come to atone for namely faulty hora'ah which likewise traces that same path viz from the middle of the keruvim out to the kodesh (the inside mizbeiach is placed opposite the aron) and then ultimately out into the world of action.  (Compare Rashbam Vayikra 9:23 ותצא אש מלפני י״י (ויקרא ט׳:כ״ד) – מבית קודשי הקדשים דרך מזבח הזהב להקטיר קטרת, שהוא קודם להקטרת תמיד, כדאמרינן במסכת יומא (בבלי יומא ל״ג:). ושם מצא בני אהרן אצל {מזבח} הזהב ושרפן, ואחר כך יצא ובא לו על המזבח, ותאכל על המזבח את העולה ואת השלמים.)


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