Are handouts in the Torah

I don’t think peshuto shel mikrah supports outright charity. Vayikra 25 details the progression and downward spiral from selling ones livelihood (ancestral field) to taking an interest free loan to selling oneself as a slave. No word on handouts. Perek 15 in Devarim discusses graciously giving loans without worrying about shemitah canceling them. There is no mention of charity in the pesukim. (See ibn Ezra, Chizkuni and R DZ Hoffman to verse 8) 

Outright (financial) gifts do not seem to be part of the biblical framework

The Torah definitely encourages us to share our bounty with the less fortunate on many occasions

The highest of the 8 levels of charity for Rambam isn't handouts, rather interest free loans or other intervention that can help a fellow stand on his own two feet

I think the word tzedakah in tanach does not refer to handouts, rather to justice/righteousness, it was reinterpreted that way in light of the emphasis on charity, with the added nuance of it even being the just thing to do which is the connotation of tzedek

(I’m wondering if it was introduced as a response to the christian notion of charity and grace

Im theorizing, and this may be a bit simplistic, that it is judaism and christianity l’shitasam

Judaism, which believes that man can overcome evil and live a virtuous life, embracing the commandments as doable, with the ability to earn ones reward from God, is correspondingly light on handouts, which is demeaning and life denying to the recipient (nahama dkisufa).

As opposed to the antinomian christianity, which holds that man is unable to vanquish evil, and everything handed to him is via divine grace and charity conditioned on correct beliefs, therefore, in the spirit of its version of imitatio dei, is pro unearned handouts to the poor

Charis, which means grace in greek, is the word from which charity is derived.

In addition, maybe after the bayis was destroyed and the jews went into exile there was presumably less opportunity to work the land and even if the jews did there is no obligation to give tithes from the produce as they are land based obligations that are dependent on being located in Israel proper and they were outside of it so the emphasis shifted to monetary tithes and distributions etc)

Of course the TB and the monei hamitzvos read the pesukim as supporting cash handouts ואני לא באתי אלא לפשוטו של מקרא


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