Torah isn't in heaven—but science is

This write-up will show that the principle that post sinai heaven can no longer chime in on Torah only applies to inyanei horaah namely determining halacha and not matters that relate to ascertaining scientific phenomena which only indirectly affect halacha but are not halachic decisions per se and as a corollary that whereas Chazal are authoritative in the halachic realm their scientific knowledge merely reflects the scientific knowledge of their day

The following well-known gemara expresses the concept that once the Torah was given at sinai judaism became closed to celestial input to the extent that even God Himself can no longer weigh in on the halachic process and that although the Rabbis may get it wrong from an objective perspective they still get it right

עמד רבי יהושע על רגליו ואמר {דברים ל':י"ב} לא בשמים היא מאי לא בשמים היא אמר רבי ירמיה שכבר נתנה תורה מהר סיני אין אנו משגיחין בבת קול שכבר כתבת בהר סיני בתורה {שמות כ"ג:ב'} אחרי רבים להטות אשכחיה רבי נתן לאליהו א"ל מאי עביד קוב"ה בההיא שעתא א"ל קא חייך ואמר נצחוני בני נצחוני בני
(:ב"מ נ"ט)

Otoh, there are two places (that I'm aware of) in the bavli (Sotah 4b and Niddah 20b) where the gemara invokes סוד ה' ליראיו to explain how someone acquired certain halachic information seemingly contradicting the previously quoted principle?

However, upon reflection, they both pertain to determining natural phenomena that impact halacha but are not halachic data per se

That apparently seems to be fine and isn't categorized as problematic heavenly interference which is limited to deciding halachic matters per se only

The flip side of the this is that only what pertains to the halachic realm was removed from heaven and given over to Chazals purview but matters of metzius and teva were not and are not subject to Chazals scientific knowledge with the consequence that halachos that are rooted in anachronistic science can potentially be overturned and updated as the underlying science isn't a matter that Chazal have the final say on

Someone I very much admire queried this distinction from the following yerushalmi (kesubos 1:2): אָמַר רִבִּי אָבוּן. אֶקְרָא לֵאלֹהִים עֶלְיוֹן לָאֵל גּוֹמֵר עָלַי. בַּת שָׁלֹשׁ שָׁנִים וְיוֹם אֶחָד וְנִמְלָכִין בֵּית דִּין לְעוֹבְרוֹ הַבְּתוּלִין חוֹזְרִין. וְאִם לָאו אֵין הַבְּתוּלִין חוֹזְרִין, which prima facie seems to fly in the face of it.

Perhaps the chiluk is that over there the halachic determination to add a month is something heaven fully empowers the chachamim to do. Thus they are the arbiters and goalkeepers of time. Teva, eg bisulin, saaros etc, in R Avin's conception, apparently takes dictation from time, however that is tallied. Now since time is reckoned according to the Rabbis, teva follows suit. In contradistinction to say the talmudic license to exterminate lice on shabbos, which was based on the belief that they are generated spontaneously ie not thru mating, with the issur to kill organisms on shabbos limited to creatures created via mating, which was subsequently disproven, over there the heter to kill them would potentially fall away (as I believe R Dr Isaac Lapronti, the baal pachad yitzchak, 1679—1756, indeed ruled) as it was based on faulty biology.


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