כיון דאתיא מדרשא חביבא ליה

This short thought attempts to provide some additional color to a famous midrash 

There is a well known medrash, popularized by Rashi, that goes as follows: דבר אחר: כי ציד בפיו – היה שואל לאביו היאך מעשרין את המלח ואת התבן, והיה יצחק אוהבו סבור בו שהוא מחמיר במצות, והוא לא היה שואל אלא לרמות את אביו

Rambam is of the opinion (Melachim 9:1) that Yitzchak was the first to tithe crops: וַיִּצְחָק הִפְרִישׁ מַעֲשֵׂר

That being the case, maaser was particularly close to Yitzchak's heart, as he had innovated it.

Esav wasn't merely selecting any mitzvah for stringent observance to make himself appear pious in his father's eyes but rather was zoning in on a specific mitzvah that he knew to be especially dear to Yitzchak, one that was sure to ingratiate himself maximally, as Yitzchak would be smitten and taken with Esav's meticulous observance of "his" mitzvah.


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