Ramban's single and only Aron

Devarim 10:1-5 talks about a wooden ark that Moshe is to make and place the second set of luchos in, setting off a flurry of explanations as to how it relates to the famous aron of sefer shemos, here are the pesukim:

(א) בָּעֵת הַהִוא אָמַר י"י אֵלַי פְּסׇל לְךָ שְׁנֵי לוּחֹת אֲבָנִים כָּרִאשֹׁנִים וַעֲלֵה אֵלַי הָהָרָה וְעָשִׂיתָ לְּךָ אֲרוֹן עֵץ. (ב) וְאֶכְתֹּב עַל הַלֻּחֹת אֶת הַדְּבָרִים אֲשֶׁר הָיוּ עַל הַלֻּחֹת הָרִאשֹׁנִים אֲשֶׁר שִׁבַּרְתָּ וְשַׂמְתָּם בָּאָרוֹן. (ג) וָאַעַשׂ אֲרוֹן עֲצֵי שִׁטִּים וָאֶפְסֹל שְׁנֵי לֻחֹת אֲבָנִים כָּרִאשֹׁנִים וָאַעַל הָהָרָה וּשְׁנֵי הַלֻּחֹת בְּיָדִי. (ד) וַיִּכְתֹּב עַל הַלֻּחֹת כַּמִּכְתָּב הָרִאשׁוֹן אֵת עֲשֶׂרֶת הַדְּבָרִים אֲשֶׁר דִּבֶּר י"י אֲלֵיכֶם בָּהָר מִתּוֹךְ הָאֵשׁ בְּיוֹם הַקָּהָל וַיִּתְּנֵם י"י אֵלָי. (ה) וָאֵפֶן וָאֵרֵד מִן הָהָר וָאָשִׂם אֶת הַלֻּחֹת בָּאָרוֹן אֲשֶׁר עָשִׂיתִי וַיִּהְיוּ שָׁם כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוַּנִי י"י.

Ramban brings a bunch of tannaitic opinions that all agree that this was not the aron constructed by betzalel, disagreeing only on if this wooden one was retired and buried with both sets of luchos stored in the new golden one or if it stayed on, going out to war with them, with the broken luchos placed in it and the second set deposited into betzalels fancy one.

Amongst these two opinions Ramban says that the overwhelming consensus in Chazal is in preference of the former.

He then strikes out on his own, suggesting that the aronos of devarim and shemos are really one and the same.

He says that after the luchos were broken there wasnt either gonna be a mishkan and aron anymore, as they're both there to house the luchos.

By making reference to the aron, God was intimating to him that just like I agreed to another set of luchos I'm also good with getting the mishkan vkeilim back on track as well.

However in reality only one aron was constructed, by betzalel, with the luchos patiently waiting until it was fashioned.

Ramban is able to make this claim, namely, that the mishkan vkeilim were also off the table when Moshe smashed the luchos, and that correspondingly, mere mention of the wooden aron is shorthand for rescuscitating the entire mishkan complex, because he is of the opinion that the original and primary purpose of the mishkan was to house the Shechinah ontop of the aron, as the yoshev hakeruvim, with the aron the most important entity there.

According to Rambam, who views the main purpose of the mishkan as a place for sacrifice, this explanation would be a no-go.

See here for an analysis of what underpins this disagreement of theirs.


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